Professional Wellness Month Recognizes The Importance Of Well-Being In the Workplace

June is “Professional Wellness Month” which puts the focus on encouraging professionals in the workplace to find ways they can find more of a work-life balance. It is a time for employers to showcase how they help create healthier, happier employees, as well as serving as a reminder of how organizations that invest in the well-being of their employees benefit from a more productive, engaged workforce.

At NJdiet, we are taking the opportunity during Professional Wellness Month to provide
with valuable information on how to take charge of your health and encourage overall wellness.

Professional Wellness In The Workplace

Research has confirmed for years that eating well, exercising, and focusing on our overall health makes us feel good about ourselves and makes us more productive at work – and when employees live healthier lives, they increase their worth in the marketplace, add value to the company, and become more productive workers.

According to a report in the Huffington Post, a study of 19,803 people who worked at one of three large companies found the following:

  • “Eating unhealthily is linked with a 66 percent increased risk of loss of productivity”
  • “Rare exercise is linked with a 50 percent increased risk of low productivity”
  • “The researchers found that people between ages 30 and 39 were the most likely to experience a loss in productivity”

Thus, this month serves as the perfect time to find ways you can find more of a work-life balance.

Tips For Wellness In The Workplace

US citizens who work full-time report working for 47 hours per week on average. That’s a lot of time spent focusing on work, and often not focusing on your health or well-being!

While the importance of putting your best effort into your professional life cannot be understated, in the absence of health, income suddenly means very little.

The solution to balancing work and health is to be mindful of your wellbeing in all the small decisions you make every day.

NJdiet uses personalized genetic testing to assess each individual’s specific needs for
essential vitamins, plus many more metabolic factors are assessed genetically to make sure you stay healthy for years to come.

Here are some tips to get the most out of Professional Wellness Month:

1. Drink More Water

The human body is more than 60% water, so it’s not surprising that we need to keep ourselves hydrated. Being properly hydrated accomplished the following:

  • Wards off fatigue
  • Energizes muscles
  • Helps you think clearly
  • Keeps skin healthy
  • Controls your appetite

Start by drinking the recommended amount of 4-6 glasses of water per day, and the direct and indirect benefits of drinking water will be realized quickly.

2. Avoid Caffeine; Especially After Lunch

Another cup of coffee in the afternoon might push you through the last hour of your workday, but it might possibly overstimulate you and in turn, keep you awake at night. A lack of sleep will turn into exhaustion during the following workday, which is not productive in the workplace.   Coffee, and all caffeine, can be consumed in moderation – just try to avoid it after lunchtime hours.

3. Good Posture And Sitting Properly

Many of us unnecessarily strain ourselves when we sit, or just sit improperly at our desks. Ensure that your chair gives you adequate back and lumbar support, and that your body isn’t suffering when you sit. It is also important to adjust your computer monitor to be at eye level, to avoid neck strain.

4. Get Up And Move Around!

Sitting down for extended periods of time doesn’t do a body good, both physically and mentally.  By doing some simple physical activity every so often, you can raise your productivity.  Take 15 minute breaks to get up and move around, grab some water, go visit and chat with co-workers.

5. Snacking Is Important; Just Do So Wisely  

It can become far too easy to go through a chocolate bar or grab other unhealthy treats to power through the workday.  And while snacking is important, opt for healthy snacks that will release energy throughout the day. By pairing healthy snacking with a well-balanced diet that works for you and your lifestyle, not only will the results show on the scales, it will be noticeable in your productivity levels.

6. Wash Your Hands

Your desk, keyboard, mouse, and even the shared restrooms are all breeding grounds for bacteria, so protect yourself and your health by washing your hands a few times a day. To avoid contracting anything, it’s vital that you wash your hands after using the restroom, before you eat, and after sneezing or coughing. Keeping some antibacterial lotion or wipes at your desk or workstation is also a way to combat germs and remain relatively germ-free.

7. Manage Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but occurs most frequently in the modern workplace. However, instead of focusing on the stress you’re under, a better idea is to be proactive in managing it.

This is when taking time outside of the workplace, just for yourself, is a key component of professional wellness.  Things such as an occasional spa day, time out with friends, exercise or even a good show or book are all proven stress relievers. Also, use your vacation time!  It does wonders to help de-stress and help you re-energize.

8. Set Goals

To give balance and focus to your workday, set your own goals, and do your best to achieve them.  There is something satisfying about being able to check things off your list regularly throughout the day; people even feel like doing so serves as an energy booster of sorts.  So be sure you give yourself goals and reap in the satisfaction of when you tackle each and every one of them.

9. Connect With People

Well-being stretches beyond the physical.  It is also important to be well rounded by to working to improve your social skills. Most of us work in a busy environment with a variety of different people, and we communicate with colleagues regularly. Trying to make deeper connections that reach beyond the workplace can often been challenging, but they are very beneficial to work towards. While a place of work is a place of professionalism, making friendly gestures to grow closer to your team is beneficial for morale and overall happiness in the work place. Social interactions will relieve your stress levels, and may even bring some extra happiness into your work life.


Under the guidance of Dr. Arthur Turovets, NJdiet has proven that his weight loss program, and how it works,
can be a big step in a patient’s road to a healthy life.  NJdiet utilizes DNA testing to determine your
ideal diet and workout plan. Using blood work, hair and saliva sample, patients typically lose 20-50 pounds in only 40 days.

Employee wellness is all about making sure that your workforce is healthy and happy. Companies will always get more out of their employees when they take their wellness seriously. If your company doesn’t already have an employee wellness program, it might be time to look into suggesting one!

In the meantime, each individual should do what he or she can to ensure their wellness at the workplace is the best it possibly can be.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you for a consultation at NJdiet.  Our program is not

aimed at promoting healthy weight loss, but aims to improve your total wellness — where the side effect is weight loss, but the end result is better overall health and well being!

After all, what’s healthier than happiness?

“NJ Diet Utilizes DNA Testing To Determine Your Ideal Diet And Workout Plan

Using blood work, hair and saliva sample, patients typically lose 20-50 pounds in only 40 days. In addition, you will see that dieting is only one component of our program. Our program is also a detoxification and hormone balancing program – where the side effect is weight loss, but the end result is better overall health and well being. We welcome the opportunity for you to have a consultation at NJ Diet. A consultation is normally $99, but by registering on our website it will only cost $27!
Our program is not only aimed at promoting healthy weight loss, but aims to improve your total wellness. Each of our client’s specific needs for vitamins and supplements are assessed, plus many more metabolic factors are genetically tested to make sure you succeed on our program — not just for temporary weight loss, but to maintain good health for life!”

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Attending the Initial Evaluation and Consultation is normally $99, but by registering on our website it will only cost $27!